Monday, October 4, 2010

Passion and pride

When I stopped teaching the month before Drew was born I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.  All I wanted to do was stay home and raise my kids.  Even though I'm smart and capable and have dreams of doing other things someday, I knew it was the best thing for all of us.  I will never demean the job of a stay at home mom but it takes a hell of a lot of patience and not a whole lot of brains.  That's just a fact.  I mean, I've even googled the amount of Motrin I'm supposed to give Lauren based on her weight because I couldn't figure it out.  Hello, brains!  Are you in there?  Haven't used you in a while so you're getting weak.    

I fear that my children think my passion in life is dishes and laundry.  That is not my passion.  What is my passion?  I'm not really sure and I don't like that.  Right now it is about raising them and making sure they don't become brats, really.  That's my passion.  To raise kids that aren't assholes.  *this post is sounding awfully familiar to one I've already written I think.  Isn't it?*
Anyway, I started this blog so that someday they'll see that even in the midst of broken glass and stitches and hormonal imbalances and poopy diapers, I had FUN doing what I did.  Raising them was fun.  When their memories of me are all of yelling and telling them what to do and how I don't let them say butt or shut up even though their friends can, I'm going to whip out this book of a blog and show them I had fun.  And so did they.

As I've beaten to death said already, it's been a year since I've blogged nearly everyday about mostly the nonsense that is our life and my thoughts.  I'm adding a link HERE to the really cute free gifts you could win, just for riding along on this journey with me.  If you haven't checked out that post, you must!  I'm proud of the blog.  Aside from birthing children, it's one of the few things I've accomplished over the last 5 years that isn't dishes or laundry.  And I'm honored to join you on your computer screen everyday.  You're awesome. 

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  1. I can TOTALLY relate to this! Ashley, at times, I wish I can just copy and paste your stuff on my blog (which I haven't touched in 2 months!). You always seem to articulate it all better than me :). I'm really trying to figure out that whole passion thing (aside from raising my kids).


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