Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What's for breakfast?

Our Party of 5 tradition is to have birthday cake for breakfast on the morning of someone's birthday.  This, my friends, is why I continue to have children.  Anyway, here is our breakfast for tomorrow.  6 years ago tonight I was in the worst pain of my life and here I am tonight, 6 years later, licking a bowl of frosting before I get ready to go to the gym to work off the same damn baby weight from that 1st pregnancy.  Or maybe it's all the birthday frostings.  Either way, here we are.  My baby now needs two hands to show you how old she is.  WAH.

Mmmm.  Breakfast.

I'm going to take a slight internet break for the next 4 days or so.  Be sure to join our facebook page if you haven't already!  I'll letcha know when I'm back on.  Thanks and have a great weekend coming up!

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  1. Give our beautiful little granddaughter a big birthday hug and kiss from us tomorrow morning.
    save grandma and grandpa a piece of that delicious cake.


  2. Happy 6th birthday, Drew! And enjoy that YUMMY looking breakfast! I might just copy that tradition...cake for breakfast 5 different times in a year? I'm sold!

  3. Haaaaappyyyy biiiirthdaaaaaay, Drew!!! I hope you have a fabulous birthday and another great year!! Muah!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DREW!!!! Enjoy your birthday breakfast cake.


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