Thursday, May 27, 2010

Joy, day 3

I've been terribly moody today.  You're as tired of hearing about it as Chris.  I'll stop.  I had to look for some joy today although really I know it's all around me.  Here we go:

Joy #1.  Last night Drew gave Lauren a bath.  I sat right there pretending to be engaged in painting my toenails while really watching like a hawk but she did it and it was awesome.

Joy #2.  We had a thunderstorm today and it only lasted about 5 minutes but it was great.  William declared that the thunderstorm gave him permission to have more chips with his lunch.  Unsure of the logic but I agreed and gave him more. 

Joy #3.  Lauren slept 13 hours straight last night as opposed to the normal 12 hours straight.  And she still kept her same nap schedule today.  She is an angel on earth, that girl.

Joy #4.  Went to Costco with the 3 kids after the storm, found a dry carriage, and everyone listened while there.  I also got out of there for under $100.  Always a success.

Joy #5.  Tomorrow is the last day of school before Drew is officially a kindergartener.  It is also the last day of William in preschool before he moves on to more of the Jr. K class.  I am totally going to pretend that the following bring me joy:  1) they won't be in school and they'll be home for 8 weeks everysingleday with me and 2) they are growing up and moving up so quickly.  I'm totally lying that these two things bring me joy.  I should just delete this one completely.

Joy #6.  I got an unexpected facebook message from a mommy friend of mine that was very kind and complimentary and it pretty much made my day.  

Joy #7.  Chris is home tonight and he has no commitments tomorrow except to be with us.  No firehouse, no class to teach.

I would love to hear the little things that brought you joy today.


  1. Seeing the kids say good-bye to their friends on the last day of school. Not sure they understand what that means. Seeing the Mister park, get out of the car and stretch. It's his summer break too and I know he is 100% looking forward to it.

  2. Knowing that I have 5 days ahead of me with no work....that is joyful! Also, having my college kids home for one night with great conversation included....that is priceless =)

  3. i found joy in lakota being an absolute angel while we were at the gym for 3 hours and ryan having a great time doing his gymnastics. i also find joy in lakota and ryan wanting to "make my heart happy." we always tell each other, when we do something kind or nice to/for each other that it made our hearts happy. recently they both have been doing things and asking if my heart is happy and that makes my heart happy.

  4. I found joy in you finding joy.

  5. so so jealous of Lauren's sleep schedule, but joyous about my boys playing together.

    Also, my shoes busted this a.m., which is not ideal, but it means new shoes. yay!


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