Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day celebration at the park

The kids are only 1, 3, and 5.  They don't get and/or appreciate what Memorial Day means.  I completely get that.  I think it's important, though, to expose them to things like this early.  Every year we've attended the Memorial Day celebration that our town has at one of the bigger parks.  There are military vehicles that the kids can climb on and in, there are helicopters they can get up close and personal with, and there is a big stage with USO performances.  This year there were some vendors and there is always a big bounce house section.  The Memorial Day celebration includes a couple other things to see and do, as well.  With exception of a few things, it's terribly boring for the kids.  That's ok because each year I'm hoping more and more things will click with them and become of interest.  Already this year the big kids wanted to walk through the big chinook helicopter whereas last year they both were afraid to even touch it.  This year they wanted to listen to the band on stage sing patriotic songs whereas last year it was torture to stop and listen to the singers.  They walked through the crosses, all of which signified one of the 4,000 California soldiers that has been killed in the Middle East.  William was very interested in what that was all about.  At the end of it all, all they wanted to do was the bouce houses (which we didn't do) and that's ok.  I was happy that this year they each took more interest than last year.  I would expect the same next year as well, too.  Oh, and they wanted flags for today so I bought little flags that they walked around with all day.  Drew and Lauren wore their matching 4th of July dresses and they got lots of smiles from the old men walking around in their Veteran hats.

Chris was working today so I was going to take the three myself.  We were so glad to have Auntie Sandy join us, though!  I don't mind doing things like this with the three on my own but it sure is nice to have a helping hand.  And some grown up company!

I have a sitter coming tonight for an hour to stay here while Lauren sleeps and I take Drew and William back for the fireworks show in about an hour.  They are so excited and I think it's more about being up late than it is the fireworks.  I don't EVER deviate from my schedule.  Drew said, "We get to be somewhere when the sky is black?  And the stars are out?"  So funny.  Yes, my dear, the benefits of getting a little older.  I told her that they behaved well today and since she is 5 and William is 3, these are the kinds of things we get to do now and then now.  I'm unsure who is more excited - the kids or me.

The 3 before heading out.  William looks injured.  He's not. 

My camera sucks and since I can't make take decent pics in color, I've been playing with black and white.  This is her patriotic red, white, and blue gingham dress.

William checking out the cockpit of the chinook helicopter.  It was pretty awesome.

Taking a break in the shade of the flag.

The focus was supposed to be on the low-flying helicopter, not the row of port-a-potties. 

I know, I shouldn't be a bitch on such a day but c'mon.  Let's at least spell the banner correctly.  Seriously.

Hope you have a great long weekend!

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