Monday, June 14, 2010


Division of labor - noun, a production process in which a worker or group of workers is assigned a specialized task in order to increase efficiency.

We have a rythym of how things work in our house and as I was driving home from the kids' swim lessons today I was thinking about how great it is when the rythym is uninterrupted for long periods of time.  Because I'm such a schedule Nazi, not many things interrupt things here but the two most common ones are when we have overnight guests or someone gets sick.  On those occasions I don't do my normal tasks and neither does Chris and it's just a bit off.  It's a nice diversion once in a while.  Other than that we're in a good smooth groove all the time.  And not to say that overnight guests are bad, they are not at all, we enjoy having company.  But you know what I mean.  We're working like a well-oiled machine here when things happen as they should.  And by that I mean as they always do.  Creature of habit, I am.    

Chris and I have this unspoken division of labor that works fantastically for us.  We just know who is going to do what when and we rarely discuss it.  Whether it's a doctor appt. for one of the kids or giving this little one a bath or folding towels that are piled on the chair or getting gas, things just happen.  And they happen smoothly.  This is essential for a happy household, don't you think?  You know when the rythym of the house is off because it's a lot of things not getting taken care of or resentment because HE was supposed to have done this or I wasn't aware I was supposed to have done that.  Right?  You just know when it's off and often take for granted when it's good.  We've been in a good rythym for a long, long time now and it's so nice Division of labor and cooperation is a good thing.  Especially when it's uspoken.  Makes you feel even more connected to that person you call Honey.



  1. Oh dear god this is the truth and we don't have it, never have. It's the #1 problem in our relationship. I won't go on other than to say that I'm happy for you!

  2. lucky duck
    our rhythm is off right now because my in-laws are in town. they leave tomorrow, and for this I am grateful.

  3. I love schedules! I love this picture too!


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