Thursday, April 1, 2010


Words are funny things.  I'm kind of a word nerd.  More of a grammar nerd, actually, but I love words.  The way words are used and the subtle differences in meaning are so interesting to me.  William actually got me thinking about this topic.  For the age of three, he's very perceptive.  The other day he asked me what the difference is between the floor and the ground.  He then said, "Sometimes you say ground and sometimes you say floor but it's the same thing."  Then just tonight, Chris drank the rest of the good orange juice.  I say good orange juice because I buy two kinds.  I buy the Costco frozen for everyone else and I buy the Simply Orange for me.  I'm an orange juice snob (among other things) and I've never said no one else can drink the good orange juice but no one does usually.  Anyway, William asked if he could have some of my orange juice and when I went to get some for him it was gone.  I said, "It's gone.  Your dad drank the last bit of it."  William said, "How come you say 'your dad' if it's bad but you say 'daddy' if it's good?" 

It's like when you say gesundheit instead of bless you .  There are such subtleties in the English language.  I love that my three year old is picking up on them.  His perception will keep me on my toes and he'll make me conscious of my choice of words always. 

Future word nerd

*Sidenote:  Remember the movie Singles?  Back in 1992, I think?  There was a whole gesundheit vs. bless you conversation.  Here's part of it:


  1. I love words too!

    I recently read a poem that said something about needing to have "the right words at the right time in the right order" and I loved that.

    William is a smart little guy - watch out for him. He'll keep you on your toes.

  2. ha! Love the your dad vs. daddy observation.


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