Wednesday, April 14, 2010

14 things you care absolutely nothing about

Why 14?  I have no idea.  Saw this on another blog, a confessional of sorts, and decided to do it.  'Cause there is laundry to fold and I'd rather sit and write about myself than do that. 

1.  I love my house and my neighbors but dislike the town I live in.

2.  I worry about my kids' education like I never thought I would. 

3.  I taught Lauren to fake sleep (put her head down and snuggle) when I say, "Night night, Lauren" just so I could get a good hug on demand.

4.  I fear warm weather because I look horrid in short sleeved shirts these days.

5.  I drink at least one diet Pepsi a day, something I've never done in my life.

6.  I don't think a tv in the master bedroom is a good idea.

7.  I threaten to call the police if the kids are completely misbehaving.

8.  I allow my kids to eat McDonald's too often.

9.  I have little motivation for much and need to get my groove back.

10.  I want to have another baby so badly. 

11.  I'm too afraid to have the surgery that will fix my veins in my leg and I will pay the price for it someday.

12.  I feel badly that Chris works so hard to support my Starbucks habit and he doesn't even know it.

13.  I suck at thank you notes and still haven't written Christmas or Lauren's 1st birthday thank yous yet they are sitting on the desk in the office.

14.  I think my life is way easier than it should be and I feel kinda guilty about that.

Any confessions you want to share??

Night night, Lauren

1 comment:

  1. I love sending mail maybe more than I like to receive it.

    I miss living close to family and my oldest friends, but sometimes really appreciate the distance.

    I love love love mochas. They make a bad day better.


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