Monday, April 26, 2010

Nap 1, Church 0

We've never gone to church as a couple or as a family.  Our kids go to a Christian preschool and we're thankful they are receiving the education they are.  Drew will continue to go to kindegarten there next year but beyond kindegarten, none of our children will receive a Christian education.  That's where we come in.  What?  The parents responsible for something dealing with education?  Umm, yeah.  Ok, so we'd like to start going to church, to support what they are learning at school, and to reinforce the fact that these are important values that we as a family live by.  But I'm just going to be honest.  It's hard to get up and get there, y'all!  When it's not part of your routine, it's not what you do, it's hard.  It will take an effort on my part most of all.  We're definitely up by 9am but it's one of the two days that we don't have to be up! and dressed! and shoes on! early in the morning, you know?  Oh, and the absolute most important thing of all?  Lauren naps at 9am.  You know me, I'm psycho about the sleep schedule (which has given me 3 happy, happy babies, I might add) and as I told Chris, even God understands my schedule.  He wouldn't expect Lauren to miss her nap.  Soooo, yesterday, Chris took the big kids to church for the first time.  Miss Lauren and I stayed home so she could nap at her normal time, and it worked out for all.  We'll work something out soon so that we can all go as a family, as we'd like, but for now, this works fine.  God understands.

Heading to church, lookin' purty


  1. I would not mess with a good sleep schedule either.

  2. 1. My grandparents used to skip church when we visited, and I remember what they used to do is have everyone read their Bibles for 15 minutes or something, and then read one verse aloud---something like that. It seems like that might be a nice way to start a churchy habit.

    2. One reason I wish we went to church is THE DRESSES! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA cute church clothes!!


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