Friday, February 12, 2010


It must totally suck to be three years old.  I mean, he wants to do so much and be so independent but he's only capable of... well, you know.  Not a whole lot.  I mean, I think he is capable of more than Drew was at this age but still.  Drew was never a complete hot mess at age three so this is kinda new for me.  William is a three year old little boy who acts like a hormonal, emotional 14 year old girl.  Chris thinks he's bipolar.  He'll go from being full of joy to a puddle of tears before you can blink twice and that's no joke.  I just try and remind Chris that he is a sweet, sensitive boy whose brain is in 4th gear while his emotional capabilities are kind of stuck in 1st gear.  Anyway, I'm just glad I'm 34 and not 3.  Being 3 just seems like it sucks. 

 34 doesn't suck, though.  The best thing about being 34 is being a mama to a mama's boy.  Just sayin'.


1 comment:

  1. I think that emotional mess is normal for a three year old!

    There's nothing like the love from a Momma's boy! Zack loves his Mom like no one else! He's also a huge lovey snuggler. He just no longer fits on my lap :(


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