Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'm gonna be one of those parents...

When I taught 5th grade, before I stayed home after having kids, I used to secretly snicker at all the LAAAAME emotional parents who dropped their new kindergartener off on that first day of school.  The cameras, the hugs, the tears.  PLEASE.  It was so annoying.

But now...

This little girl

is offically registered

for Kindergarten.

And she is going to turn me into one of those crying, picture-taking, peeking-through-the-window-one-last-time kinda moms.
Photo by Kia Gregory. 

Snicker all you want.


  1. Oh you're going to cry!

    I can't believe you used to snicker! ;-) This and the reality tv! SHOCKING I tell you.

  2. Yes, you will cry. I cried for pretty much the entire 4 hours Isaiah was there on his first day. Then, cried even harder when I picked him up. hahahahahahaha!

  3. The worst moment Ashley is not your first born going to Kindergarten, it's your last! Your baby, who will always be your baby even when he or she is about to graduate from college! Now this is when I will cry........a few short months away =(

  4. I am not a cryer, but I sobbed when Milo kicked me to the curb his first day. No "Bye Mom", no hug, no kiss. Nope, Milo said "Why haven't you left yet?". ;-)Of course, he loved school. And I loved it for him.

  5. Oh NO! You can do it... stay strong! Good thing Drew and CC aren't in the same class or I would be the one pointing and laughing... j/k


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