Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's finally ovah!

Drew was incredibly brave as we discussed her surgery in the days leading up to it, last night, and even all the way there this morning. As we sat in the back, in the pre-op room, all decked out in our blue bunny suits, the more doctors and nurses that came to ask me questions, the more nervous she became. By the time we walked into the OR she was crying and holding on to me for dear life. She fought laying on the table so the anesthesiologist let me hold her while they put her out. It was by far the worst parenting experience I've ever had. She went dead in my arms and I was forced to hand her over and walk out. I went outside and gathered myself and went back in to wait. Not more than 15 minutes went by before the Dr. came to get me. I went back and Drew was just waking. She was crying and very bothered by everything and every one. She told the nurse to "get outta here" and told the doctor to "quit looking at me". I had to apologize for her and they all said it's very common. They allowed her to lay in my lap as she woke up and she cried for about 45 minutes. After a while she was able to tolerate some ice chips and juice and they let us leave. The surgery was at 7:30am and we were home at 8:45am. She's had a really rough morning. She is still agitated and she's complaining of her ears hurting. She cries off and on, so unlike her. She's asleep in her room right now, something she wouldn't and didn't do after her surgery in December. This one seems to be taking a little more a toll.

The Dr. said both ears were full of mucus. He was able to drain them both.

And for the record, she requested that I go with her to her surgery, not daddy. Daddy has been her one and only pretty much her whole life so today, although I'm very sad for her and my heart breaks everytime she cries, I am beaming with joy.

We have a hot date at the Disney store today at 3pm and I'm betting by then she'll be just fine.

Thanks for all the well wishes and concern.  I am learning to not make mountains out of molehills but am clearly not there yet.

Below are just a couple pics. You didn't think I'd let this go by without snapping a few, did you?

We made brownies the night before so she'd have a treat when she got home from the hospital

5:30am, brave and ready to go

Texting Jennie in the waiting room

When I went outside to get it together after she was put under, this is what I saw.  It was so peaceful.

Finally back home.


  1. So grateful she is home and doing well. She should be so much healthier now =)

  2. A painful as the experience was for both of you, Drew will be so much better off in the long run. Way to go, Drew! I'm proud of you!:) (And you, too, Mom ;) )

  3. Happy to hear everything went well!

  4. congrats for all of you, and continued well wishes that this brings you all some comfort.


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