Thursday, October 8, 2009

I am soooooo not above bribery

I was so lucky for four years and six months.  And then it happened.  Drew realized that she could actually come out of her room during "quiet time".  She's not dumb, she knew she could physcially get out of her room but she knew better than to try.  The rule was (and still is) that during quiet time you DO NOT come out of your room.  Both Drew and William have a clock in their bedrooms and there is always a given time.   Quiet time always begins like this:  "Have a good nap.  You may not get up until your clock says THREE THREE ZERO." or something like that.  Well, I think she finally realized that that is bullshit.  She's done with just staying put.  And trust me, she's set up like a queen in her room.  She has a bookshelf that is full of books and one shelf is strictly for activities.  Activities like coloring books, preschool activities like dot-to-dots, tracing letters, filling in numbers and letters... you get the idea.  Not to mention the multiple art kits from which to choose.  And it's not just activities, she also has a CD player and a CD collection which rivals mine.  She is fluent in CD changing and the workings of the player so she really is good to go.  Oh, and I completely forgot about the huge drawer of dress-up clothes and the view from her room of the entire cul-de-sac.  She's like the honorary mayor of the cul-de-sac and never fails to mention when someone drives into their driveway, when the mail gets delivered, or if there is a cat meandering in the street.  She has enough in there that could keep one busy for weeks and weeks.  In the last 8 weeks or so she has been coming out of her room and she just stands at the landing of the stairs.  She's usually naked or in some sort of costume so it's still a little creepy.  I'm used to quiet time being MY time and the presence of a little person in drag at the top of the stairs still scares the crap out of me.  Nothing has seemed to work to keep her in there and I will not allow quiet time to end.  I need that time.  It is for EVERYONE'S well-being, trust me.  And it's not as if I require her to stay in her room for hours, it's usually an hour and that's it. 

*I should mention here that William is still in love with naps and he sleeps a solid two hours or more daily so this does not involve him - I have this issue with him in the morning however.  We have the same rule in the morning that the kids can't get up until 7:00am.  Drew's good to go on that part.  He's the morning getter-upper and she's the quiet time getter-upper.* 

I needed to think of a way to keep them in their rooms (him in the morning until 7am and her in her room for quiet time) that would be effective for both of them.  Since both love stickers, I figured I'd go that route.  Here's my solution:

Drew decorated her own sticker chart and William, well, William needed a little help so that is his sticker chart decorated by moi.  Each time they stay in their rooms until the given time, they get to pick a sticker.  The exciting part is that they get to put it wherever they want on their paper.  For some reason having that freedom is very exciting to them.  You can see that Drew has three stickers and William now has two.  They have a chance to earn two a day (morning and quiet time).  Once one has 20 stickers I promised to buy these cheap super cool rainboots.  We're only on day two of this.  So far, so good. 

Drew's choice:

 William's choice:

It all comes down to this.  MY time is MY time.  Don't mess with it.  And if you do, I'll have set up some elaborate sticker rewards system to preserve it.  The End.


  1. I made my kids nap until they turned 5. I was not messing with this plan at all and if I had to take a nap with them to make them nap, well, so be it!

    The boots are adorable!


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