Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A family curse

Chris thinks I'm a snob.  Some may even call it being a bitch.  I call it following the laws of language.  I cannot stand incorrect grammar and punctuation.  It's a curse.  If you have an eye and an ear for it you know what I mean.  It screams at you when someone speaks poorly.  And business signs that have mistakes??  Oh, forget it.  You can kiss my business goodbye because if you aren't smart enough to know that there is no apostrophe in lattes than I seriously don't want you making something I'm going to ingest.  I know that some people weren't taught and I can understand that I guess.  My biggest issue is with two groups of people:  teachers and people who are responsible for publishing material.  

Teachers, c'mon.  Children learn not only what you say but how you say it.  I don't want my children sitting in a classroom where their teacher tells them that they did really good on a test.  Ugh, shivers.  And please don't say, "Where did you put your homework at?"  Even William, who just turned three, knows that putting at at the end of a sentence is incorrect.  I have a hundred more examples but I'll stop.  I will teach my children to speak correctly and not rely on teachers to do it obviously but it's confusing when an educator speaks poorly to kids.  Practice what you preach.

Ok, the biggie.  BUSINESSES.  There are countless mistakes made in publications and advertisments and every single one is inexcusable.  All of these places have people whose job it is to edit the work before it is printed.  Like, that's their job.  The only thing they have to do.  And things still go out with incredible mistakes.  Here is one example from American Eagle:

Here's a closer look:

I know.

Chris and I went to a great fondue restaurant for my birthday.  Here is part of their menu:



An endless four-course dinner including cheese fondue appetizer, gourmet salad selection, main entrée choice with seasonal vegetables, and chocolate fondue dessert . ~ 48 per person

Now seriously.  If you are an upscale establishment and you charge $50 per person for a meal, you certainly should know that you only use apostrophes to show possession, not to make a word plural.  I mean, really.  I said to Chris as we left, "I cannot believe we just had a $150 dinner at a place that thinks there should be an apostrophe in ENTREES."  He muttered something under his breath but was too afraid to say it out loud.  I think he said, "I'm thrilled to be married to someone so smart and perceptive."   That's what it sounded like anyway.  Although an eye roll usually wouldn't accompany such a statement I am convinced that's what he said.

I sent an email to the restaurant and told them what a lovely time we had... and that there is a terrible punctuation mistake in their very fancy leatherbound menu.  No response.  If I get one, I'll update.

When I say this is a curse I mean it.  And it's one that my brother, my mom, and my aunt all have as well.  Ugh.  It's tough to be so smart and perceptive.  At least I'm in good company.

Here are a few things I thought I'd pass along.  I love them both.

This is the Valentine's Day card I got from my friend, Jen Y. and from my brother:

 The End. 




  1. I hear you, Ashley!! There was (and I mean was;it's no longer there)a shop that was called Companies Coming. Now, I know that they meant "Company's Coming" (as in "company IS coming!) but they pluralized it instead. I could never go in there! P.S. Love that card!!!!

  2. Ooops...that was me Ashley, Susan Youngquist

  3. Love it! Although I will admit that I will end a sentence with "with" yet try to avoid at all cost to not end with "at." Don't know why.

  4. I think it's something in the the breeding from New England. No, seriously. I am constantly correcting the kids (you would die, D.I.E., in Virginia) and Matthew.

  5. It's in the Yankee breeding. My mother, father and grandmother ( a teacher for 40 years) were also grammar nazis. My 4th graders just learned possessives along with a mantra we recite every day: "ONLY IDIOTS USE APOSTROPHES TO MAKE PLURALS."

  6. You're so funny, Ashley. I'm the same way (though not as vocal :)). I just keep it to myself except when it comes to Don and the kids. He always asks me to proofread his work, and there are commas EVERYWHERE! Talk about run-on sentences :). I still love him though :).


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