Monday, April 16, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things...

I like to use lotion everyday except when it gets hot outside it's like the lotion acts like a barrier and if I sweat it's like lotion sweat and I hate it.  So only if it's 90* or below I use lotion everyday.  I'm on a quest, always, for a better product.  I've been using Cerave forever and I do love it but I've recently found this and I love this, too.

It's not oily at all but it acts like baby oil in that it's super soft and moisturizing.  You just have to trust me on this.  I use the cocoa and shea butter one because it kinda smells like sunscreen and I love that.  Good sunscreen. 


I'm down to eat Rolos for a snack.  Or popcorn.  Or a piece of last night's garlic bread.  This, my friends, is why I will forever battle with my weight.  I'm also down to go to the gym and make good choices.  Depends on the day, the time of month, and the behavior of my kids.  But!  I do love this.  In fact, we call these candy in our house.  Lauren will often ask for a piece of candy and this is what she's referring to. 

I know!  It's like old people food or something.  But they are so good and they are a much more responsible choice for a snack than Rolos.  Right?


I hate sneakers and unless I'm at the gym you'll likely never see me in them.  Not even in the winter.  Or in the rain.  I still call the shoes I wear thongs although now I know that pretty much means the floss underwear.  I'll start calling them flip flops eventually, just to spare myself the embarressment.  My favorites every season come from J.Crew.  I don't accessorize my outfits, in fact I'm lucky if I'm ironed and match everyday.  These are my only accessories, really.  And if you're looking at these and thinking how easy and how cheap it would be to make them yourself, you go right ahead.  I'm an idiot with a glue gun and am just as happy to have someone else (J.Crew) make them for me. 

Any favorites you want to share?

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