Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring Break... How do I love thee?

Ummm, not all that much.  As a teacher I LIVED for it.  As a parent it means they are home.  Everyday.  And although I'm kind of seeing that my blog has become nothing but a rant about my kids, I really do love them with all of my being.  And if they didn't argue and fight non-stop I'd want to be with them 24/7.  But they do argue and fight non-stop so the three hours a day they are either gone or at least apart from each other, it's like a little battery recharge for everyone.  Vacation means there is no recharge.  It's not like we just sit at home and stare at each other, though.  Regardless of the time of year, my mood, whether Chris is home - whatever - we're ALWAYS out and about and doing things.  Now that the weather is nice and they can play outside we're home more often but we still go on at least one outing a day.  It's just better for all of us if we're out, busy, and in public where they have to behave and I can't yell.

I think the only person who benefits from them arguing all the time is you.  'Cause if they didn't argue, I'd be so crazy in love with them that you'd despise reading my sappy, syrupy sweet blog.  Because really.  Look at them.  They are so freakin' cute.  That's because pictures are silent.   


  1. Those two little angels argue? Never. I can't imagine.

    You should make them wear those bunny masks whenever they argue. Maybe they would look too cute to argue.

  2. I know exactly what you mean. I was just thinking that all my Fridays this summer are going to be "ruined" because the kids will be out of school. I mean, you know I want to spend every free second with them but, Fridays are the one day a week where no one wants anything of me from 8:00 until 3:00.

  3. YES! I think we live parallel lives. Keep writing...I enjoy reading!


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