Saturday, June 11, 2011

A different perspective on the trip

Have I mentioned Drew and I are going to Boston?  Oh yea, only a bajillion times it seems.  We leave tomorrow morning although our plane doesn't leave 'til the afternoon, we've got some travels to get to the airport.  The travel before the travel.  It's gonna be a looooooong day for Drew, I'm afraid.

This is the last post on this blog for over a week as I won't be blogging while I'm gone.  AND since I know that sometimes vacation photos can be tedious to look at, I'm going to mix it up a bit.  Drew is going to be the photographer on this trip.  I've gotten her her own camera and she will be documenting the trip from her perspective.  The only thing I'm fretting about with this is that I look awful from her perspective.  Wait!  This isn't about me?  Ok, got it! 

If you keep up with Peters Party of 5 on facebook I may post a picture or two throughout the week, otherwise I'll see you back here on Sunday, June 19th!

Sidenote:  William is feeling pretty sad that he can't come but he is such a trooper and is already looking forward to next summer when he does get to join us.  I can't wait for the day when holymotherofgod tantrums and crying aren't a daily occurance and he'll be more ready to hang for 7 days of travel and adventure.  Right now he turns into a monster at the lack of a meal or a little sleep and if I park too far away at Costco he's dragging ass and complaining that "it's soooooo far, I don't think I can make it."  This is why he's not joining us this year.  I'll miss him but...

'Til next week friends!  

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